Chicano Park Takeover

Monday, September 27, 2010

We Now Have A Room! B-104

After many conflicts with the AS office, we have finally aquired a room for our weekly chapter meetings. We will no longer be having our meetings in the cafeteria. We will now meet in B-104. This will be our official room for the semester. The day and time, Tuesday at 2:30pm will remain the same. For those of you who may not know where the B building is, the B building is across from the Gorton Quad on Park Blvd in front of the San Diego City College Sign. Please refer to the campus map here on the side as a guide. You can click on the picture to enlarge it. Looking forward to seeing you all there.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Come remember the 42nd anniversary of the massacre in Tlatelolco, Mexico City

Come join us in the Gorton Quad in front of the cafeteria October 5th at 11:30 A.M to learn more and celebrate the 42nd anniversary of the massacre of innocent students and bystandards by the Mexican government on October 2,1968 in Tlatelolco, Mexico City. The Tlatelolco Massacre was a government massacre of student and civilian protesters and bystanders that took place during the afternoon and night of October 2, 1968, in the Plaza de las Tres Culturas in the Tlatelolco section of Mexico City. The protesters wanted social and education reform, and were angered that the Mexican government had spent aprox. $150 million in preperations for the 1968 Olympics that were to be hosted in Mexico City. While today many accounts of the events are scattered there are between 100 to 1000 deaths reported by eye-wittnesses. So come out October 5th and help us remember those brave students, protesters and innocent bystandards who lost their lives.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

M.E.Ch.A Chapter Meeting Fall 2010

Our first chapter meeting will be Tuesday Spetember 7 at 2:30 pm in the cafeteria. This will not be our permanent meeting place. The earilest we can expect to get a room is probably around the 1st week of October because of a Club Orientation that all the clubs are required to attend before they are able to request a room, so until then, our weekly chapter meeting will most likley be in the cafeteria. This meeting is open to anyone who is intrested so go ahead and bring your friends. Although we are faced with this obsticle of meeting without a room, we will not let it get in the way of our goals. Together we can make a difference and this video is a good example of what could be.